The Library staff can assist you during the following hours.
Library Hours between sessions
Librarians are available in person, online, or by telephone for help or questions during the following hours:
Call the Library for help: 972-279-6511 ext. 185
Email your questions to the Library:
The University Library collection is exclusively non-fiction in content, and all books chosen for the collection feature information that is directly aligned to the curriculum of our degree plans and course offerings. The development of the collection is intended to serve as a vast informational source for the Amberton learning community within their fields of study. This way Amberton University provides specialized information and resources that are generally unavailable in local public libraries.
The Library does not purchase textbooks for courses taught at Amberton, or allow current Library books being used as active textbooks to be checked out of the Library. Textbooks selected for Amberton courses are not eligible for students to request as a loan from another library through InterLibrary Loans. An online bookstore for purchasing textbooks is available to all students.
The Amberton Library Resource Center is for the exclusive use of Amberton students, faculty, and staff. Users are required to provide proper ID (driver's license and student ID#) to check out books and use resources, such as the computer lab.
Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday
1 pm - 10 pm 10 am - 1:30 pm 8 am - 1:30 pm
Chat hours 1 pm - 10 pm None 8 am - 1:30 pm
There are no open hours for the Library on Sunday.
Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday
10 am - 6:30 pm 10 am - 1:30 pm 10 am - 1:30 pm
Chat hours 10 am - 6:30 pm None 10 am - 1:30 pm
There are no open hours for the Library on Sunday.
During business hours, books may be returned to the Check-out Desk. After hours when the facility is closed, books may be returned to the University Drop Box located near the southwest entrance of the building (near the Admission and Student Advising Office). Fines are assessed for books that are returned past the due date.
The fine schedule is posted on the dated bookmark placed within each book when it is checked out. Overdue fines are .35 cents per day. If a book is not returned after 30 days, the fine will be the replacement cost of the book.
Any book that is not returned in acceptable condition within 30 days of check out accumulates a fine equal to the replacement cost of the book. This charge will be placed on the student's account and could affect access to academic records until paid.
Generally, books may be renewed one time by either bringing the books into the Library for renewal or by renewing over the telephone. However, book renewals are at the prerogative of the University. Under certain conditions, some books may not be eligible for renewal due to student demand.
Only books which are not overdue can be renewed over the telephone. You can contact the Library at (972) 279-6511 ext. 185 to renew books. When you call, you will need the book(s) and your Amberton ID # with you. Books cannot be renewed by leaving a voicemail.
Yes! Amberton University has a computer lab equipped with the latest in computer technology, high-speed printing and Internet access. These computers are designed primarily for research purposes but are also equipped with word processing applications. The lab is for Amberton student use only. No password is required for access.
Library staff are available to answer questions about the University computers and systems and to assist with printing syllabi and conducting research. However, library personnel do not provide training on how to use software applications. Amberton students are expected to be computer literate and to possess a certain level of computer expertise prior to enrolling.
There are three types of reserves:
Shelf Reserve - These resources are designated "library use only" so that all students may have access to them. They are shelved with the regular collection but are not available for check out.
Electronic Reserve - At times, Professors will place material related to their courses online for student use. These files are accessed via the course's Moodle page.
Course Reserve - Books adopted as textbooks for courses at Amberton, and if available in the Library, may be checked out to students for use only in the Library. If not available in the library, the title cannot be requested as a loan from another library. Course Reserve titles are in the Library office.
There are many opportunities for students enrolled in e-Courses to conduct research.
Use the full-text reference databases available through the library website. The databases provide instant access to thousands of journal articles, books, eBooks, newspapers, videos, and other reference sources. These services are for Amberton student use only. An ID and password are required. Students (and all users) must authenticate their Amberton credentials to access these resources, by following the instructions on the Library authentication login page.
For Texas residents, visit a library near you. TexShare card holders can borrow books directly from any participating library. To obtain a TexShare card, contact the library ( for more information.
Use InterLibrary Loan (ILL) through your public library. Most public libraries offer their patrons InterLibrary Loan service, borrowing items from other libraries when they are not available locally.
The TexShare program is a statewide effort to allow students and patrons checkout privileges in many public and academic libraries across Texas. Amberton University Library is a participant in the TexShare Card program, meaning we issue cards to eligible students and allow TexShare card holders from other participating libraries to checkout books and materials from our collection. There are some important guidelines for this program.