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Guide to APA Style 7th Edition

H/T to Adam Williams at the Boston College Library for use of this guide, as well as contributions from Purdue OWL,, and the Himmelfarb Medical Library of George Washington University.

What is APA Style?

APA guidelines help you:

  • format and structure your findings in your paper
  • cite other authors within the body of your paper
  • compile a references page at the end of your paper

APA Style Books


Important Websites

Style and Grammar Guidelines - The APA Style website covers supplementary material to the book on the mechanics of style and structure of your paper. Topics include:

Sample Papers - The APA Style website gives you examples of APA formatted student papers and research papers for publication.

APA Style Blog - Written and maintained by APA staff, the contributors to the blog answer questions about formatting uncommon resources in APA style. For example, the entry on Shortening URLs, is very useful. 

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) - Use Purdue OWL's APA style guide to help format your references and citations. The site also includes a sample student paper and sample professional paper for reference.

For the best resources and help to create research papers using APA 7, consult the OWL from Purdue University.