The Library staff can assist you during the following hours.
Library Hours between sessions
Librarians are available in person, online, or by telephone for help or questions during the following hours:
Call the Library for help: 972-279-6511 ext. 185
Email your questions to the Library:
The Amberton Library contains approximately 16,000 volumes, and specializes in titles that correspond directly to the curricular offerings of the University and its academic programs. In other words, only books on topics that support the courses taught at Amberton are chosen to be added to the library. The library catalog is a good place to begin research on your topic. It provides an index to all of the books, videos, equipment, and digital resources in the collections.
Searching is done by Author, Title, or Subject. Keyword searches may also be done in the Title field. This is similar to a title search. Choose “Title” and type your keyword(s). A listing of all books containing your keyword(s) in the title will appear.
The Library uses the online catalog to find, circulate, and shelve books in print as well as selected books in digital format purchased by the Library. There are currently three separate collections available for students and faculty to experience:
1) The Active Collection - newer books with content directly related to the courses of study available at Amberton,
2) The Legacy Collection - treasured books from the early days of the University, and some gifts from notable alumni, and
3) The Faculty Authors Collection - books written by current and former members of the Amberton University faculty, with many signed by the author.
Use this link to search our catalog for helpful resources located in the Library on our Garland, TX campus: